Realm Migrations #
All migrations referring to the realm resource.
addRealm #
adds a Realm, throws error if realm with that id already exists
Parameters #
- name: String, not optional
- enabled: Boolean, optional, default=true
- id: String, optional, default=name
Example #
id: add-realm
author: klg71
- addRealm:
name: integ-test
deleteRealm #
deletes a Realm, throws error if realm with that id does not exists
Parameters #
- id: String, not optional
Example #
id: add-realm
author: klg71
- deleteRealm:
id: integ-test
updateRealm #
updates a Realm, throws error if realm with that id does not exists
Parameters #
- id: String, not optional
- realmName: String, optional
- displayName:String, optional
- displayNameHtml:String, optional
- revokeRefreshToken:Boolean, optional
- refreshTokenMaxReuse:Int, optional
- accessTokenLifespan:Int, optional
- accessTokenLifespanForImplicitFlow:Int, optional
- ssoSessionIdleTimeout:Int, optional
- ssoSessionMaxLifespan:Int, optional
- ssoSessionIdleTimeoutRememberMe:Int, optional
- ssoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe:Int, optional
- offlineSessionIdleTimeout:Int, optional
- offlineSessionMaxLifespanEnabled:Boolean, optional
- offlineSessionMaxLifespan:Int, optional
- accessCodeLifespan:Int, optional
- accessCodeLifespanUserAction:Int, optional
- accessCodeLifespanLogin:Int, optional
- actionTokenGeneratedByAdminLifespan:Int, optional
- actionTokenGeneratedByUserLifespan:Int, optional
- enabled:Boolean, optional
- sslRequired:String, optional
- registrationAllowed:Boolean, optional
- registrationEmailAsUsername:Boolean, optional
- rememberMe:Boolean, optional
- verifyEmail:Boolean, optional
- loginWithEmailAllowed:Boolean, optional
- duplicateEmailsAllowed:Boolean, optional
- resetPasswordAllowed:Boolean, optional
- editUsernameAllowed:Boolean, optional
- bruteForceProtected:Boolean, optional
- permanentLockout:Boolean, optional
- maxFailureWaitSeconds:Int, optional
- minimumQuickLoginWaitSeconds:Int, optional
- waitIncrementSeconds:Int, optional
- quickLoginCheckMilliSeconds:Int, optional
- maxDeltaTimeSeconds:Int, optional
- failureFactor:Int, optional
- requiredCredentials:List< String>, optional
- passwordPolicy:Map< String, String>, optional (see below for explanation)
- otpPolicyType:String, optional
- otpPolicyAlgorithm:String, optional
- otpPolicyInitialCounter:Int, optional
- otpPolicyDigits:Int, optional
- otpPolicyLookAheadWindow:Int, optional
- otpPolicyPeriod:Int, optional
- otpSupportedApplications:List< String>, optional
- webAuthnPolicyRpEntityName:String, optional
- webAuthnPolicySignatureAlgorithms:List< String>, optional
- webAuthnPolicyRpId:String, optional
- webAuthnPolicyAttestationConveyancePreference:String, optional
- webAuthnPolicyAuthenticatorAttachment:String, optional
- webAuthnPolicyRequireResidentKey:String, optional
- webAuthnPolicyUserVerificationRequirement:String, optional
- webAuthnPolicyCreateTimeout:Int, optional
- webAuthnPolicyAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister:Boolean, optional
- webAuthnPolicyAcceptableAaguids:List< String>,
- browserSecurityHeaders:Map<String,String>, optional
- smtpServer:Map<String,String>, optional
- eventsEnabled:Boolean, optional
- eventsListeners:List< String>, optional
- eventsExpiration:Int, optional
- enabledEventTypes:List< String>, optional
- adminEventsEnabled:Boolean, optional
- adminEventsDetailsEnabled:Boolean, optional
- internationalizationEnabled:Boolean, optional
- supportedLocales:List< String>, optional
- defaultLocale: String, optional
- browserFlow:String, optional
- registrationFlow:String, optional
- directGrantFlow:String, optional
- resetCredentialsFlow:String, optional
- clientAuthenticationFlow:String, optional
- dockerAuthenticationFlow:String, optional
- attributes:Map<String,String>, optional (Map gets merged if attributes are not present in yaml). Following keys are supported in keycloak 8.0.1:
- webAuthnPolicyAuthenticatorAttachment
- _browser_header.xRobotsTag
- webAuthnPolicyRpEntityName
- failureFactor
- actionTokenGeneratedByUserLifespan
- maxDeltaTimeSeconds
- webAuthnPolicySignatureAlgorithms
- frontendUrl
- offlineSessionMaxLifespan
- _browser_header.contentSecurityPolicyReportOnly
- bruteForceProtected
- _browser_header.contentSecurityPolicy
- _browser_header.xXSSProtection
- _browser_header.xFrameOptions
- _browser_header.strictTransportSecurity
- webAuthnPolicyUserVerificationRequirement
- permanentLockout
- quickLoginCheckMilliSeconds
- webAuthnPolicyCreateTimeout
- webAuthnPolicyRequireResidentKey
- webAuthnPolicyRpId
- webAuthnPolicyAttestationConveyancePreference
- maxFailureWaitSeconds
- minimumQuickLoginWaitSeconds
- webAuthnPolicyAvoidSameAuthenticatorRegister
- _browser_header.xContentTypeOptions
- actionTokenGeneratedByAdminLifespan
- waitIncrementSeconds
- offlineSessionMaxLifespanEnabled
- userManagedAccessAllowed:Boolean, optional
- accountTheme:String, optional
- adminTheme:String, optional
- emailTheme:String, optional
- loginTheme:String, optional
- organizationsEnabled:Boolean, optional
Password Policy #
Supported policies:
- expirePassword
- forceExpiredPasswordChange
- hashingIterations
- hashIterations
- notRecentlyUsed
- passwordHistory
- minLength
- maxLength
- uppercaseCharacters
- uppercase
- lowercaseCharacters
- lowercase
- specialCharacters
- specialChars
- regularExpression
- regexPattern
- passwordBlacklist
- hashingAlgorithm
- hashAlgorithm
- notUsername
- notContainsUsername
- notEmail
See example below
Example #
id: update-realm
author: klg71
- updateRealm:
id: integ-test
displayName: UpdatedRealm
- notUsername: test
- minLength: 8
addRealmProfileAttribute #
adds a new attribute in the user profile for the realm
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- name: String, not optional,
- displayName: String, optional,
- annotations: Map< String, Any> optional,
- validations: Map< String, Map< String, Any» optional,
- permissions: RealmAttributePermissions optional
- required: RealmAttributeRequired optional
- multivalued: Boolean, optional, default=true
Example #
id: add-realm-profile-attribute
author: isaac
- addRealmProfileAttribute:
name: country
displayName: $${}
- admin
- user
- admin
- admin
- user
updateRealmProfileAttribute #
updates an attribute in the user profile for the realm
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- name: String, not optional,
- displayName: String, optional,
- annotations: Map< String, Any> optional,
- validations: Map< String, Map< String, Any» optional,
- permissions: RealmAttributePermissions optional
- required: RealmAttributeRequired optional
- multivalued: Boolean, optional, default=true
Example #
id: add-realm-profile-attribute
author: isaac
- updateRealmProfileAttribute:
name: firstName
- admin
- user
- admin
RealmAttributePermissions #
Parameters #
- view: Set< String>, optional
- edit: Set< String>, optional
RealmAttributeRequired #
Parameters #
- roles: Set< String>, optional
- scopes: Set< String>, optional