Localization Migrations

Localization Migrations #

All migrations referring to the localization resource.

addLocalizationEntry #

adds a new localization entry, throws error if the entry exists for the same locale

Parameters #

  • realm: String, optional
  • locale: String, not optional,
  • key: String, not optional,
  • text: String, not optional

Example #

    id: add-localization-entry
    author: isaac
      - addLocalizationEntry:
          locale: en
          key: country
          text: County

updateLocalizationEntry #

updates a localization entry, throws error if the entry doest not exists

Parameters #

  • realm: String, optional
  • locale: String, not optional,
  • key: String, not optional,
  • text: String, not optional

Example #

    id: update-localization-entry
    author: isaac
      - updateLocalizationEntry:
          locale: en
          key: country
          text: Country

deleteLocalizationEntry #

deletes a localization entry, throws error if the entry doest not exists

Parameters #

  • realm: String, optional
  • locale: String, not optional,
  • key: String, not optional

Example #

    id: delete-localization-entry
    author: isaac
      - deleteLocalizationEntry:
          locale: en
          key: country