Group Migrations #
All migrations referring to the group resource.
addGroup #
Adds a new group to keycloak. Fails if the group already exists.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- name: String, not optional
- parent: String, default=empty
Example #
id: test
author: klg71
- addGroup:
realm: master
name: testGroup
deleteGroup #
Removes a group from keycloak. Fails if the group does not exist.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- name: String, not optional
Example #
id: test
author: klg71
- deleteGroup:
realm: master
name: testUser
updateGroup #
Updates a group from keycloak. Fails if the group does not exist.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- name: String, not optional
- attributes: Map< String,List< String», optional, default=existing attributes
- realmRoles: List< String>, optional, default=existing realm roles
- clientRoles: Map< String,List< String», optional, default=existing client roles, Key of the map is the clientId and the value is a List of roleNames to attach
Example #
id: test
author: klg71
- updateGroup:
realm: master
name: child1
- "1234"
renameGroup #
Renames a group from keycloak. Fails if the group does not exist.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- name: String, not optional
- newName: String, not optional
Example #
id: test
author: klg71
- updateGroup:
realm: master
name: child1
newName: child2
assignRoleToGroup #
Assigns a role to a group in keycloak. Fails if the group or the role does not exist.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- role: String, not optional
- group: String, not optional
- clientId: String, optional, default=realmRole
Example #
id: test
author: klg71
- assignRoleToGroup:
realm: integ-test
role: parent
group: test3
revokeRoleFromGroup #
Revokes a role from a group in keycloak. Fails if the group or the role does not exist or the role is not assigned to the group.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- role: String, not optional
- group: String, not optional
- clientId: String, optional, default=realmRole
Example #
id: test
author: klg71
- revokeRoleFromGroup:
realm: integ-test
group: parent
role: test3