Client Migrations #
All migrations referring to the client resource.
addSimpleClient #
Simple command to add a client to keycloak, TODO: add more fields
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional,
- enabled: Boolean, optional, default=true
- attributes: Map< String, String>, optional, default = empty
- protocol: String, optional, default="openid-connect”
- secret: String, optional
- publicClient: Boolean, optional, default=true
- redirectUris: List< String>, optional, default=empty
- authorizationServicesEnabled: Boolean, optional, default=false
- serviceAccountsEnabled: BOolean, optional, default=true
Example #
id: add-simple-client
author: klg71
- addSimpleClient:
realm: master
clientId: test
deleteClient #
Delete a client in keycloak
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional,
Example #
id: delete-client
author: klg71
- deleteClient:
realm: master
clientId: test
importClient #
Imports a client using the json representation.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientRepresentationJsonFilename: String, not optional
- relativeToFile: Boolean, optional, default=true
Example #
id: import-client
author: klg71
- importClient:
realm: master
clientRepresentationJsonFilename: client.json
relativeToFile: true
updateClient #
Update a client
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- name: String, optional, default=no change
- description: String, optional, default=no change
- surrogateAuthRequired: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- enabled: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- alwaysDisplayInConsole: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- clientAuthenticatorType: String, optional, default=no change
- attributes: Map<String, String>, optional, default=no change
- protocol: String, optional, default=no change
- redirectUris: List< String>, optional, default=no change
- notBefore: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- bearerOnly: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- consentRequired: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- directAccessGrantEnabled: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- implicitFlowEnabled: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- standardFlowEnabled: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- adminUrl: String, optional, default=no change
- baseUrl: String, optional, default=no change
- rootUrl: String, optional, default=no change
- publicClient: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- frontchannelLogout: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- serviceAccountsEnabled: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- webOrigins: List< String>, optional, default=no change
- fullScopeAllowed: Boolean, optional, default=no change
- nodeReRegistrationTimeout: Int, optional, default=no change
- authorizationServicesEnabled: Boolean, optional, default=no change
Example #
id: update-client
author: klg71
- updateClient:
realm: master
clientId: testClient
- http://localhost:8080
assignRoleToClient #
Assigns a realm- or client-role(if roleClientId is set) to a service account of a client.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- role: String, not optional
- roleClientId: String, optional, default = realmRole
Example #
id: add-client-roles
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testClientRoles
- updateClient:
clientId: testClientRoles
serviceAccountsEnabled: true
publicClient: false
- assignRoleToClient:
clientId: testClientRoles
role: query-users
roleClientId: realm-management
addRoleScopeMapping #
Adds a realm- or client-role(if roleClientId is set) to the scope mappings of a client.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- role: String, not optional
- roleClientId: String, optional, default = realmRole
Example #
id: add-client-role-mapping
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
- addRole:
name: scope-mapping-role
- updateClient:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
fullScopeAllowed: false
- addRoleScopeMapping:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
role: scope-mapping-role
- addRoleScopeMapping:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
role: query-users
roleClientId: realm-management
deleteRoleScopeMapping #
Deletes a realm- or client-role(if roleClientId is set) from the scope mappings of a client.
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- role: String, not optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- roleClientId: String, optional, default = realmRole
Example #
id: add-client-role-mapping
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
- addRole:
name: scope-mapping-role
- updateClient:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
fullScopeAllowed: false
- addRoleScopeMapping:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
role: query-users
roleClientId: realm-management
- deleteRoleScopeMapping:
clientId: testClientRoleScopeMappings
role: query-users
roleClientId: realm-management
addClientMapper #
adds a full configurable clientmapper, throws error if client or realm doesn’t exist or mapper with same name already exists
Only use this action if you can’t find a convenient method to add the mapper below
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- name: String, not optional
- config: Map<String,String>, not optional
- protocolMapper: String, not optional
- protocol: String, optional, default="openid-connect”
Example: #
id: add-client-mappers
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testMappers
- addClientMapper:
clientId: testMappers
name: testPropertyMapper
protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-property-mapper
access.token.claim: true
id.token.claim: false
userinfo.token.claim: false customPropertyMapper
jsonType.label: String
user.attribute: UserModel.getEmail()
deleteClientMapper #
deletes a client mapper
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- name: String, not optional
Example: #
id: add-client-mappers
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testMappers
- addClientMapper:
clientId: testMappers
name: testPropertyMapper
protocolMapper: oidc-usermodel-property-mapper
access.token.claim: true
id.token.claim: false
userinfo.token.claim: false customPropertyMapper
jsonType.label: String
user.attribute: UserModel.getEmail()
- deleteClientMapper:
clientId: testMappers
name: testPropertyMapper
addClientAudienceMapper #
adds a audience clientmapper, throws error if client or realm doesn’t exist or mapper with same name already exists
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- name: String, not optional
- addToIdToken: Boolean , optional, default = true,
- addToAccessToken: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- clientAudience: String, optional, default = “”,
- customAudience: String, optional, default = "”
Example: #
id: add-client-mappers
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testMappers
- addClientAudienceMapper:
clientId: testMappers
name: audienceMapper
addToIdToken: false
clientAudience: testMappers
customAudience: completlyCustom
addClientGroupMembershipMapper #
adds a group-membership clientmapper, throws error if client or realm doesn’t exist or mapper with same name already exists
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- name: String, not optional
- addToIdToken: Boolean , optional, default = true,
- addToAccessToken: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- addToUserInfo: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- fullGroupPath: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- claimName: String?, optional, default = « name parameter»
Example: #
id: add-client-mappers
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testMappers
- addClientGroupMembershipMapper:
clientId: testMappers
name: groupMembership
addToAccessToken: false
claimName: groupClaim
addClientUserAttributeMapper #
adds a user-attribute clientmapper, throws error if client or realm doesn’t exist or mapper with same name already exists
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- name: String, not optional
- userAttribute: String, not optional
- addToIdToken: Boolean , optional, default = true,
- addToAccessToken: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- addToUserInfo: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- claimName: String?, optional, default = « name parameter»
- multivalued: Boolean, optional, default = false,
- aggregateAttributeValues: Boolean, optional, default = true
Example: #
id: add-client-mappers
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testMappers
- addClientUserAttributeMapper:
clientId: testMappers
name: userAttribute
userAttribute: testAttribute
addToUserInfo: false
addClientUserRealmRoleMapper #
adds a user-realm-role clientmapper, throws error if client or realm doesn’t exist or mapper with same name already exists
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientId: String, not optional
- name: String, not optional
- addToIdToken: Boolean , optional, default = true,
- addToAccessToken: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- addToUserInfo: Boolean, optional, default = true,
- claimName: String?, optional, default = « name parameter»
- prefix: String, optional, default = "”
Example: #
id: add-client-mappers
author: klg71
realm: integ-test
- addSimpleClient:
clientId: testMappers
- addClientUserRealmRoleMapper:
clientId: testMappers
name: userRealmRole
prefix: rolePrefix
importClientAuthorization #
Imports authorization configuration using the JSON representation
Parameters #
- realm: String, optional
- clientRepresentationJsonFilename: String, not optional
- relativeToFile: Boolean, optional, default=true
Example: #
id: import-client-authorization
author: devtobi
- importClient:
realm: master
authorizationRepresentationJsonFilename: authorization.json
relativeToFile: true