Parameter Substitution

Migration Files #

There are two types of files to control migrations in keycloak. ChangeLog and ChangeSet (may sound similar in liquibase). The Changelog references all changeSets to apply and the ChangeSets contain the actual changes.

Changelog #

Migrations are controlled through the changelog. It contains the changeSets used to execute the migration.

Parameters #

  • includes: List of changesets to apply consisting of:
    • path: String, not optional, path to changeset
    • relativeToFile: Boolean, optional, default=true, whether the file should be searched from the working dir or relative to the keycloak changelog file.

Example #

      - path: 01_initial.yml
      - path: 02_second.yml
      - path: changes/03_third.yml
        relativeToFile: true

ChangeSet #

The changeSet contains the actual changes as a list of migrations (see Supported Migrations)

Parameters #

  • id: String, not optional, describe the change
  • author: String, not optional, author of the changeset
  • realm: String, optional, preset realm for actions

Please note that you must either provide a realm in the ChangeSet or in each action! Even though both parameters are optional one must be set!

Example #

id: initial-keycloak
author: klg71
realm: master
- addUser:
    name: test
    enabled: true
    emailVerified: true
      - test
      - test2
- updateUser:
    realm: otherRealm
    name: test
    enabled: false
    lastName: Lukas

Parameter substitution #

This format supports substitution of environment variables for dynamic content. The hash however will not include the resolved variable and just encode the file as a hash.

Example #

id: initial-keycloak
author: klg71
realm: master
- addUser:
    name: test
    enabled: true
    emailVerified: true
      - ${JAVA_HOME}
      - test2

This will replace ${JAVA_HOME} with the system variable JAVA_HOME present at runtime

Parameter substitution is implemented through apache-common-text StringSubstitutor.

You can also provide default values through the ${UNDEFINED_NUMBER:-1234} (default value is after the :- separator).

You may also use the string interpolation features provided by StringSubstitutor but be careful to don’t hurt the readability by doing so.

Missing parameters #

Missing parameter can lead to unexpected behaviour of the changelog parser and you may want to report them.

To fail on missing parameters you can use the option failOnUndefinedVariables(default = false) and to warn warnOnUndefinedVariable(default = true)